
Bad Day Blues

Ever had one of those days where it seems like everything is going wrong? Or maybe, not even everything but just a few things that create so much frustration they ruin your mood all day? Well today was one of those days for me. To start with, I'm hungry, and have been all day. That will put a damper on anyone's mood. Then, last night I stayed awake till 1:30 reading and writing Cornell notes over This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Which is a truly fantastic, thought-provoking book that should be read in more than one day so you can take the time to fully appreciate what was written.) I finished my eight pages of Cornell notes, and got everything ready to turn in only to find out, lo and behold, my teacher pushed the due date back to tomorrow. OF COURSE she did! So I spend all of English thinking about the extra 3 1/2 hours of sleep I could have gotten last night, and don't even bother concentrating on the meaningless assignment she gave today as busy work. Also because of those stupid notes, I lost a day of work on the now two Calculus assignments I need to finish and understand by Friday. And on top of that, my Mum just chopped up an onion to make soup, so now my eyes are watering from the smell as I type. *GAH*

OK. Rant over. I was going to drop a little something extra into this post, but have lost a lot of inspiration due to an excess of frustration. Here is my interesting D.I.Y. craft of the day. It's a pin cushion made out of a tea-cup. How adorably vintage? I have several friends who love vintage-y things and D.I.Y. projects just as much as I do, so hopefully several of you will, too. I also love feedback, so any comments, critiques, or dare I say criticisms are appreciated. *hint hint*

I will try my best to figure out how to make these, and will post a tutorial if I'm successful. If I fail, I will probably post a picture of my failure, so don't say I didn't warn you.

Until next time,
Carpe Kairos.  

P.S. If you are having a frustrating day like mine, just breathe. I promise things will get better soon! Already I am calming down. Doing something as menial as typing is a great form of therapy.

P.P.S. I apologize for the rapid change of background. I will get my ideas ironed out soon, and eventually settle on a format. Bear with me?


  1. I am in loveeeeee with Fitzgerald. I'm currently going through a number of his short stories right now...such great reads. I bought This Side of Paradise and it's next on the list...so glad to hear that you liked it! I'll make sure that I spend some time on it :)

    And of course your prof would push the due date back. Of course. Gah!

    Hope you are getting some good sleep this weekend!! All the best, MademoiselleMichael

    1. I am getting ready to start a collection of his short stories, including The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I'm glad to hear they got a good review.
      And yes, I have already slept a ton this weekend, probably more than I should. :D
